Expats Relocation Service

Through our Expat Relocation Service Program, we provide efficient geographic relocation services to national and international companies that already have, or are planning to hire, executives from other countries than their designated place of work. We assess and address all possible issues these employees might face while working and living in the Iberian Peninsula, as well as any European citizen who gets the opportunity to relocate and work in Latin America. You, as an employer, need to focus on other areas. We take care of the paperwork and all practical aspects.

Family Relocation Service

We also offer a geographic relocation program and tailor-made services designed especially for families who seek to protect and/or diversify their wealth from perceived risks and uncertainty. If you decide to migrate your wealth and/or family to Spain or Portugal, we are here for you. Leave it to us to cover all your needs, from a professional perspective as well as a holistic family perspective.


These services are focused on 5 major critical areas, however they are always adaptable to the particular needs that may arise.


Door to door long-distance moving.

Continuous client assistance during your stay in Spain and Portugal

Personal shopping service

Get to know your new city with us!

Organization of excursions, information about events etc.

Labor and Immigration

Complete assistance for Visa procedures.

Assistance with work and residence permits.

Obtaining NIE, NIF.

Complete advice on taxation and more.


Through our Real Estate division, we offer :

Rental and/or purchase of luxury properties.

Personalized advice for the purchase or renting of houses and apartments in the best residential areas of Madrid or other autonomous communities, with due legal and economic support and advice.

Complete interior decoration service, including the purchase of furniture and other items according to your personal preferences and family situation.


Comprehensive list of the best private schools in Spain and Portugal.

Interviews with school directors and principals.


Opening of bank accounts.

Introduction to the private banking segment.

Bechkam Law:

Special tax benefits for Expats

The Beckham Law (technically known as the Special Regime for workers displaced to Spanish territory in the Personal Income Tax Law), is a special tax regime that offers better taxation for those who move their residence to Spain for work or business reasons.

The main advantages:



  1. As an executive or director of a Spanish company, you obtain a 0% tax benefit for foreign income (normally you would be taxed on worldwide income).

  2. Flat tax rate of 24% tax up to a maximum of EUR 600,000 (normally the tax rate is taxed at a progressive tax rate of up to 50%).

  3. However, this program also has some disadvantages. In case the requirements are met and it has been concluded that it can be beneficial, the next step would be to prepare the application for the Beckham Law.



The law firms associated with Rubicon & Partners will manage the submission of a series of required documents, and these must be submitted correctly in order for the Tax Agency to accept the application, since, in case of rejection, the application cannot be reapplied.